Mini-Pack Basket Weaving Workshop
July 27, please call to reserve your space.
On Saturday, July 27, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the Madison County Historical Society will host a Mini-Pack Basket Weaving Workshop taught by Sara Buss. Participants will learn basket weaving techniques to create a Mini-Pack Basket. The workshop is for beginner basket weavers interested in learning the techniques but unsure where to start and experienced basket weavers looking for a fun workshop. Artist Sara Buss will lead participants through the steps and basket weaving techniques from tapering scarfing and packing a basket tight to creating a Mini-Pack Basket (9” x 6” x 12” H).
Sara Buss, owner of Buss N' Stuff has been making handwoven baskets since 2021. After taking basket weaving classes, she began teaching classes in 2022 while participating in local craft festivals selling her baskets and offering custom orders. Sara was juried into the 2022 Madison County Craft Festival as a new artisan and will return to the show again this year for the 60th Annual Madison County Craft Festival on September 7 & 8.
This workshop is for adults and children aged 9 years and up and will be held at the Madison County Historical Society at 435 Main Street in Oneida. All basket weaving materials will be supplied. The workshop is $65 for Madison County Historical Society members and $70 for nonmembers. Become a member of the Madison County Historical Society to receive the special workshop rate. To register for the workshop, contact the Madison County Historical Society at 315-363-4136,, or Space is limited to twenty participants, so register soon. Prepackaged, single-serve, light refreshments will be offered. Madison County Historical Society’s Heritage Handicrafts: Mini-Pack Basket Weaving Workshop is part of a series of leisure arts workshops designed to engage and involve participants in Fine Arts and Crafts activities common in the 19th century with a focus on making cultural connections to creative pastimes which are still relevant today.

Mini-Pack Basket Weaving Workshop, July 27, Workshop, Saturday, July 27, 2024